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  • "); // writeobj(settings); wqcms.popMsg("ajax",wqcms.ajSrc,"发送数据错误"); }); }); // 表单值放入对象 wqcms.ajForm=function(fm) { var o=new Object(); $("[name]:input",fm).each(function(){ if( || this.tagName=="BUTTON" || this.type=="reset" || this.type=="submit" ||"__VIEWSTATE" ||"__EVENTVALIDATION"){ return; } var val=""; if(this.type=="SELECT" && this.multiple){ for(var i=0;i0){ val+=","; } val+=wqcms.ajEncode(op.value); } } }else{ val=this.value; } eval("o.""='"+ wqcms.ajEncode(val) +"';"); }); $("[name]:radio",fm).each(function(){ if(>0 && this.checked){ eval("o.""='"+ wqcms.ajEncode(this.value) +"';"); } }); $("[name]:checkbox",fm).each(function(){ if(>0){ eval("o.""='"+ (this.checked?"1":"0") +"';"); } }); return o; }; wqcms.ajEncode=function(v){ v=escape(v); v=v.replace(/\+/g,"%2B"); return v; }; /** * Boxy 0.1.4 - Facebook-style dialog, with frills * * (c) 2008 Jason Frame * Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE) */ /* * jQuery plugin * * Options: * message: confirmation message for form submit hook (default: "Please confirm:") * * Any other options - e.g. 'clone' - will be passed onto the boxy constructor (or * Boxy.load for AJAX operations) */ jQuery.fn.boxy = function(options) { options = options || {}; return this.each(function() { var node = this.nodeName.toLowerCase(), self = this; if (node == 'a') { jQuery(this).click(function() { var active = Boxy.linkedTo(this), href="uijt.hfuBuusjcvuf("'href'), localOptions = jQuery.extend({actuator: this, title: this.title}, options); if (active) {; } else if (href.indexOf('#') >= 0) { var content = jQuery(href.substr(href.indexOf('#'))), newContent = content.clone(true); content.remove(); localOptions.unloadOnHide = false; new Boxy(newContent, localOptions); } else { // fall back to AJAX; could do with a same-origin check if (!localOptions.cache) localOptions.unloadOnHide = true; Boxy.load(this.href, localOptions); } return false; }); } else if (node == 'form') { jQuery(this).bind('submit.boxy', function() { Boxy.confirm(options.message || 'Please confirm:', function() { jQuery(self).unbind('submit.boxy').submit(); }); return false; }); } }); }; // // Boxy Class function Boxy(element, options) { this.boxy = jQuery(Boxy.WRAPPER);[0], 'boxy', this); this.visible = false; this.options = jQuery.extend({}, Boxy.DEFAULTS, options || {}); if (this.options.modal) { this.options = jQuery.extend(this.options, {center: true, draggable: false}); } // options.actuator == DOM element that opened this boxy // association will be automatically deleted when this boxy is remove()d if (this.options.actuator) {, 'active.boxy', this); } this.setContent(element || "
    "); this._setupTitleBar(); this.boxy.css('display', 'none').appendTo(document.body); this.toTop(); if (this.options.fixed) { if (jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 7) { this.options.fixed = false; // IE6 doesn't support fixed positioning } else { this.boxy.addClass('fixed'); } } if ( && Boxy._u(this.options.x, this.options.y)) {; } else { this.moveTo( Boxy._u(this.options.x) ? this.options.x : Boxy.DEFAULT_X, Boxy._u(this.options.y) ? this.options.y : Boxy.DEFAULT_Y ); } if (; }; Boxy.EF = function() {}; jQuery.extend(Boxy, { WRAPPER: "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    ", DEFAULTS: { title: null, // titlebar text. titlebar will not be visible if not set. closeable: true, // display close link in titlebar? draggable: true, // can this dialog be dragged? clone: false, // clone content prior to insertion into dialog? actuator: null, // element which opened this dialog center: true, // center dialog in viewport? show: true, // show dialog immediately? modal: false, // make dialog modal? fixed: true, // use fixed positioning, if supported? absolute positioning used otherwise closeText: '[close]', // text to use for default close link unloadOnHide: false, // should this dialog be removed from the DOM after being hidden? clickToFront: false, // bring dialog to foreground on any click (not just titlebar)? behaviours: Boxy.EF, // function used to apply behaviours to all content embedded in dialog. afterDrop: Boxy.EF, // callback fired after dialog is dropped. executes in context of Boxy instance. afterShow: Boxy.EF, // callback fired after dialog becomes visible. executes in context of Boxy instance. afterHide: Boxy.EF, // callback fired after dialog is hidden. executed in context of Boxy instance. beforeUnload: Boxy.EF // callback fired after dialog is unloaded. executed in context of Boxy instance. }, DEFAULT_X: 50, DEFAULT_Y: 50, zIndex: 1337, dragConfigured: false, // only set up one drag handler for all boxys resizeConfigured: false, dragging: null, // load a URL and display in boxy // url - url to load // options keys (any not listed below are passed to boxy constructor) // type: HTTP method, default: GET // cache: cache retrieved content? default: false // filter: jQuery selector used to filter remote content load: function(url, options) { options = options || {}; var ajax = { url: url, type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', cache: false, success: function(html) { html = jQuery(html); if (options.filter) html = jQuery(options.filter, html); new Boxy(html, options); } }; jQuery.each(['type', 'cache'], function() { if (this in options) { ajax[this] = options[this]; delete options[this]; } }); jQuery.ajax(ajax); }, // allows you to get a handle to the containing boxy instance of any element // e.g.
    inspect!. // this returns the actual instance of the boxy 'class', not just a DOM element. // Boxy.get(this).hide() would be valid, for instance. get: function(ele) { var p = jQuery(ele).parents('.boxy-wrapper'); return p.length ?[0], 'boxy') : null; }, // returns the boxy instance which has been linked to a given element via the // 'actuator' constructor option. linkedTo: function(ele) { return, 'active.boxy'); }, // displays an alert box with a given message, calling optional callback // after dismissal. alert: function(message, callback, options) { return Boxy.ask(message, ['OK'], callback, options); }, // displays an alert box with a given message, calling after callback iff // user selects OK. confirm: function(message, after, options) { return Boxy.ask(message, ['OK', 'Cancel'], function(response) { if (response == 'OK') after(); }, options); }, // asks a question with multiple responses presented as buttons // selected item is returned to a callback method. // answers may be either an array or a hash. if it's an array, the // the callback will received the selected value. if it's a hash, // you'll get the corresponding key. ask: function(question, answers, callback, options) { options = jQuery.extend({modal: true, closeable: false}, options || {}, {show: true, unloadOnHide: true}); var body = jQuery('
    ').html(question)); // ick var map = {}, answerStrings = []; if (answers instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) { map[answers[i]] = answers[i]; answerStrings.push(answers[i]); } } else { for (var k in answers) { map[answers[k]] = k; answerStrings.push(answers[k]); } } var buttons = jQuery('
    '); buttons.html(, function(v) { return ""; }).join(' ')); jQuery('input[type=button]', buttons).click(function() { var clicked = this; Boxy.get(this).hide(function() { if (callback) callback(map[clicked.value]); }); }); body.append(buttons); new Boxy(body, options); }, // returns true if a modal boxy is visible, false otherwise isModalVisible: function() { return jQuery('.boxy-modal-blackout').length > 0; }, _u: function() { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) if (typeof arguments[i] != 'undefined') return false; return true; }, _handleResize: function(evt) { var d = jQuery(document); jQuery('.boxy-modal-blackout').css('display', 'none').css({ width: d.width(), height: d.height() }).css('display', 'block'); }, _handleDrag: function(evt) { var d; if (d = Boxy.dragging) { d[0].boxy.css({left: evt.pageX - d[1], top: evt.pageY - d[2]}); } }, _nextZ: function() { return Boxy.zIndex++; }, _viewport: function() { var d = document.documentElement, b = document.body, w = window; return jQuery.extend( jQuery.browser.msie ? { left: b.scrollLeft || d.scrollLeft, top: b.scrollTop || d.scrollTop } : { left: w.pageXOffset, top: w.pageYOffset }, !Boxy._u(w.innerWidth) ? { width: w.innerWidth, height: w.innerHeight } : (!Boxy._u(d) && !Boxy._u(d.clientWidth) && d.clientWidth != 0 ? { width: d.clientWidth, height: d.clientHeight } : { width: b.clientWidth, height: b.clientHeight }) ); } }); Boxy.prototype = { // Returns the size of this boxy instance without displaying it. // Do not use this method if boxy is already visible, use getSize() instead. estimateSize: function() { this.boxy.css({visibility: 'hidden', display: 'block'}); var dims = this.getSize(); this.boxy.css('display', 'none').css('visibility', 'visible'); return dims; }, // Returns the dimensions of the entire boxy dialog as [width,height] getSize: function() { return [this.boxy.width(), this.boxy.height()]; }, // Returns the dimensions of the content region as [width,height] getContentSize: function() { var c = this.getContent(); return [c.width(), c.height()]; }, // Returns the position of this dialog as [x,y] getPosition: function() { var b = this.boxy[0]; return [b.offsetLeft, b.offsetTop]; }, // Returns the center point of this dialog as [x,y] getCenter: function() { var p = this.getPosition(); var s = this.getSize(); return [Math.floor(p[0] + s[0] / 2), Math.floor(p[1] + s[1] / 2)]; }, // Returns a jQuery object wrapping the inner boxy region. // Not much reason to use this, you're probably more interested in getContent() getInner: function() { return jQuery('.boxy-inner', this.boxy); }, // Returns a jQuery object wrapping the boxy content region. // This is the user-editable content area (i.e. excludes titlebar) getContent: function() { return jQuery('.boxy-content', this.boxy); }, // Replace dialog content setContent: function(newContent) { newContent = jQuery(newContent).css({display: 'block'}).addClass('boxy-content'); if (this.options.clone) newContent = newContent.clone(true); this.getContent().remove(); this.getInner().append(newContent); this._setupDefaultBehaviours(newContent);, newContent); return this; }, // Move this dialog to some position, funnily enough moveTo: function(x, y) { this.moveToX(x).moveToY(y); return this; }, // Move this dialog (x-coord only) moveToX: function(x) { if (typeof x == 'number') this.boxy.css({left: x}); else this.centerX(); return this; }, // Move this dialog (y-coord only) moveToY: function(y) { if (typeof y == 'number') this.boxy.css({top: y}); else this.centerY(); return this; }, // Move this dialog so that it is centered at (x,y) centerAt: function(x, y) { var s = this[this.visible ? 'getSize' : 'estimateSize'](); if (typeof x == 'number') this.moveToX(x - s[0] / 2); if (typeof y == 'number') this.moveToY(y - s[1] / 2); return this; }, centerAtX: function(x) { return this.centerAt(x, null); }, centerAtY: function(y) { return this.centerAt(null, y); }, // Center this dialog in the viewport // axis is optional, can be 'x', 'y'. center: function(axis) { var v = Boxy._viewport(); var o = this.options.fixed ? [0, 0] : [v.left,]; if (!axis || axis == 'x') this.centerAt(o[0] + v.width / 2, null); if (!axis || axis == 'y') this.centerAt(null, o[1] + v.height / 2); return this; }, // Center this dialog in the viewport (x-coord only) centerX: function() { return'x'); }, // Center this dialog in the viewport (y-coord only) centerY: function() { return'y'); }, // Resize the content region to a specific size resize: function(width, height, after) { if (!this.visible) return; var bounds = this._getBoundsForResize(width, height); this.boxy.css({left: bounds[0], top: bounds[1]}); this.getContent().css({width: bounds[2], height: bounds[3]}); if (after) after(this); return this; }, // Tween the content region to a specific size tween: function(width, height, after) { if (!this.visible) return; var bounds = this._getBoundsForResize(width, height); var self = this; this.boxy.stop().animate({left: bounds[0], top: bounds[1]}); this.getContent().stop().animate({width: bounds[2], height: bounds[3]}, function() { if (after) after(self); }); return this; }, // Returns true if this dialog is visible, false otherwise isVisible: function() { return this.visible; }, // Make this boxy instance visible show: function() { if (this.visible) return; if (this.options.modal) { var self = this; if (!Boxy.resizeConfigured) { Boxy.resizeConfigured = true; jQuery(window).resize(function() { Boxy._handleResize(); }); } this.modalBlackout = jQuery('
    ') .css({zIndex: Boxy._nextZ(), opacity: 0.7, width: jQuery(document).width(), height: jQuery(document).height()}) .appendTo(document.body); this.toTop(); if (this.options.closeable) { jQuery(document.body).bind('keypress.boxy', function(evt) { var key = evt.which || evt.keyCode; if (key == 27) { self.hide(); jQuery(document.body).unbind('keypress.boxy'); } }); } } this.boxy.stop().css({opacity: 1}).show(); this.visible = true; this._fire('afterShow'); return this; }, // Hide this boxy instance hide: function(after) { if (!this.visible) return; var self = this; if (this.options.modal) { jQuery(document.body).unbind('keypress.boxy'); this.modalBlackout.animate({opacity: 0}, function() { jQuery(this).remove(); }); } this.boxy.stop().animate({opacity: 0}, 300, function() { self.boxy.css({display: 'none'}); self.visible = false; self._fire('afterHide'); if (after) after(self); if (self.options.unloadOnHide) self.unload(); }); return this; }, toggle: function() { this[this.visible ? 'hide' : 'show'](); return this; }, hideAndUnload: function(after) { this.options.unloadOnHide = true; this.hide(after); return this; }, unload: function() { this._fire('beforeUnload'); this.boxy.remove(); if (this.options.actuator) {, 'active.boxy', false); } }, // Move this dialog box above all other boxy instances toTop: function() { this.boxy.css({zIndex: Boxy._nextZ()}); return this; }, // Returns the title of this dialog getTitle: function() { return jQuery('> .title-bar h2', this.getInner()).html(); }, // Sets the title of this dialog setTitle: function(t) { jQuery('> .title-bar h2', this.getInner()).html(t); return this; }, // // Don't touch these privates _getBoundsForResize: function(width, height) { var csize = this.getContentSize(); var delta = [width - csize[0], height - csize[1]]; var p = this.getPosition(); return [Math.max(p[0] - delta[0] / 2, 0), Math.max(p[1] - delta[1] / 2, 0), width, height]; }, _setupTitleBar: function() { if (this.options.title) { var self = this; var tb = jQuery("

    " + this.options.title + "

    "); if (this.options.closeable) { tb.append(jQuery("").html(this.options.closeText)); } if (this.options.draggable) { tb[0].onselectstart = function() { return false; }; tb[0].unselectable = 'on'; tb[0].style.MozUserSelect = 'none'; if (!Boxy.dragConfigured) { jQuery(document).mousemove(Boxy._handleDrag); Boxy.dragConfigured = true; } tb.mousedown(function(evt) { self.toTop(); Boxy.dragging = [self, evt.pageX - self.boxy[0].offsetLeft, evt.pageY - self.boxy[0].offsetTop]; jQuery(this).addClass('dragging'); }).mouseup(function() { jQuery(this).removeClass('dragging'); Boxy.dragging = null; self._fire('afterDrop'); }); } this.getInner().prepend(tb); this._setupDefaultBehaviours(tb); } }, _setupDefaultBehaviours: function(root) { var self = this; if (this.options.clickToFront) { { self.toTop(); }); } jQuery('.close', root).click(function() { self.hide(); return false; }).mousedown(function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); }); }, _fire: function(event) { this.options[event].call(this); } };